
Benjamin Lewis


If I were to describe Benji in two words it would be those = BIG EMOTIONS. This boy feels all things BIG these days, which is pretty great a lot of the time {because he is a generally pretty happy, carefree kid} but he is also embracing a bit of the “three-nager” qualities as well.

His crying has definitely amped up the last couple months when he is upset and he is becoming quite skilled at pushing everyone’s “buttons” at his leisure {except for Lydia of course, Benjamin is endlessly sweet with her}. We are working on it and Benjamin is quick to give hugs and say he is sorry and we all forget about it and move on.

Benjamin’s love for Star Wars continues strong. This boy has a ridiculously HIGH knowledge of all things Star Wars. He can’t get enough. I finally found a used Star Wars ABC book online just to hopefully get him interested in learning his letters. We shall see!

After his bath, we wrap him up in his towel which has a hood at the top. And Benji always has to walk around being “Darth Vader” and outstretches his arms with the towel {the concept of modesty has NOT hit Ben yet!} and makes all of the breathing sound effects of Darth Vader. He loves it and HAS to do it…every…night.

Eating feels a bit frustrating at times. I’ve come to accept that every night when Benjamin comes to sit at the table he will say, “I don’t like this.” He usually ends up being okay with it {though he would never admit it}. He always wants Mark to spoon feed him. WHAT?! The kid is three years old! Again, we’re working on it. Benjamin does LOVE oranges, cereal, trail mix, string cheese, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Ever since Benjamin was really young, he has loved “working”. He loves when Mark is home and he goes to “work” with him. Benjamin will be outside for HOURS digging in the dirt “working”. He loves to get dirty and sweaty.

Benjamin also remains in love with all transportation. Cars, airplanes, trucks, trains – YOU NAME IT – if it can get you from one place to another – Benjamin is a FAN. He loves laying on the floor, driving around his toys and coming up with little stories when he thinks no one is listening. It’s pretty great.

Benjamin is a physical little human. His love language is touch and he loves to snuggle. This boy will curl up next to me or Mark and it just melts your heart. We love our snuggle bug.

But possibly my favorite Benjamin-ism is his way of showing affection. Randomly, several times throughout the day, Benji will come up to me and say, “Mom, I love you. I need a hug and kiss!” And Benji doesn’t just go in for one kiss, my friends. He is COMMITTED. He kisses like a little frenchmen – but before your mind goes there – I mean he always kisses on my cheek, then RIGHT on my lips, then on my other cheek. They always come in threes!

We love our little Benjamin. He keeps us all laughing and brings a whole lot of silliness to our home and family. Never grow up, Ben.

(2) Comments

  1. Luann says:

    How we love our little man!

    1. Elise says:

      Us too!

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