Life, Travel

Barataria Preserve

We headed over the Baratara Preserve {which is a part of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve} and that place is WILD!  One of the best parts of this trip was that it was so different from any other place we’ve been.  We’ve never been in the South before and it was really fun to experience a different area.

The landscape was so interesting to look at.  I was a little nervous about going out into the preserve.  While preparing for our trip, I learned that alligators are a common sighting within the preserve.  This was definitely equal parts exciting and a little nerve-racking.  I was never worried about it on our swamp tour but this definitely felt a lot more vulnerable just walking above and next to a bayou.

I learned that alligators judge their prey by its size, so if you encounter one you are supposed to make yourself big {not crouch down to take a picture or something!}.  This is okay, except for I’ve got three little kiddos that are not that large and definitely not intimidating.  Sarah would probably want to go and pet it!

The preserve was absolutely beautiful!  We stopped at the visitor’s center and then headed off to the trails!  We decided to do the Bayou Coquille Trail up to the Marsh Overlook.


About ¾ of the way through our hike, Jacob and Sarah got SUPER whinny.  They had these little branch offs on the boardwalk where you could go down and usually it spotlighted something on a board.  We were heading into full on tantrum mode – so I took both of their hands and headed down the branch off on the boardwalk.  Mark was a little behind us on the boardwalk because he had been taking some pictures.  I am down at the end of this boardwalk and Mark comes creeping up asking me if I had seen “it”.  I asked what “it” was.  Turns out I had paraded both the little kids and myself {carrying Benjamin} right in front of a 3-foot alligator!



I think that’s what freaked me out the most.  How do you miss something like that?!  It was cool and also a little frightening.  I had read that they could move fast for short distances on land and was just waiting for it to GO!  Jacob was not impressed {as he said, “we’ve already seen alligators!”} and Sarah had no fear and just wanted to run around.

We watched him for a couple of minutes and then ultimately decided to head back without finishing the rest of the hike.  All three of the kids were crying now and the fun was kind of gone.  But we saw our gator and that was good enough for me!


We were all ready to fuel up with some food and had a little picnic at the trail head.  There is never a dull moment with these cuties.

After we left the preserve we headed up to Baton Rouge!