Another Clegg Family Reunion is in the books. This is one of our favorite weeks of the year. It might have been our hottest week is Island Park (whew!) but it was filled with lots of laughs, good food, swimming, Count of Monte Cristo, walks, kayaking, tubing, talking, knitting, games, reading, Swiss Family Robinson, Johnny …
Thoughts on Relief Society
<< I have a strong testimony of writing things down and remembering. This is what I want to remember from this chapter in my life. >> For the last eighteen months, I was called to serve as Relief Society President in my church congregation. I was released from this responsibility a couple of weeks ago …
Jesus Christ at the Center of Our Lives
This message from Elder Jose L. Alonso, of the Seventy, was one I needed to hear. His message is His testimony of our Savior. It is simple and beautiful. I am not going to give commentary on his message. It speaks for itself. But I will share my testimony. I know my life is infinitely …
Independence Day
Fourth of July will always be a little bittersweet for me – it is the holiday that makes me miss family the most. I feel like we are still trying to find traditions that feel right, but we had a great day. This was the first Fourth of July since we’ve lived in Colorado that …
Journal // June 2024
“June is ‘bustin out all over!” If you recognize that phrase, we need to be friends! Our every day June moments ☀ Daisy the Bunny I was out watering our flowers and almost stepped on this sweet little thing. She was so darling and so tiny. Air Forts Summer weather makes air forts WAY more …
Jacob’s 12th Birthday
Time is slipping by so quickly! I can’t believe it has been twelve years of loving this big guy. Jacob is such an amazing young man and watching him grow is an absolute joy. This was the first year Jacob hasn’t had a “themed” birthday. He is growing up! We loved celebrating our boy. We …
Spring Piano Recital
We squeezed this spring piano recital in the night before summer! We had it planned for weeks before but life just kept pushing it off. But these two did WONDERFUL! They are really different piano students but they are both doing really well. And Ben was THRILLED that this was the last one he is …
Father’s Day
I am so very grateful for this man. I do not tell him that enough. Our kids are so very blessed to have him as their father. He is fun and the best shimmy-er you’ll ever see. Where I probably say too much at times, Mark always leads and teaches by his example. I admire …
Executive Secretary
A couple weeks ago Mark was called to serve as the executive secretary in our ward. I am so very excited for him in this new calling. I am happy that he gets to serve with so many men that I admire and have gotten to know so well the last year and a half. …