Being a mother is an incredibly humbling experience. In many ways, the longer I am a mother, the more I feel completely inadequate. I have spent a whole lot of time on my knees and in the car praying for these little people this year. They are my world. Being their mother is the most …
4th Grade Read Alouds
This is most likely the last year I will be doing read alouds with Jacob – cue tears here 😢. I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing read alouds with the kiddos. BUT the following year Benjamin will be starting kindergarten and I just don’t think I will have time to do three separate read alouds. So …
Grandpa’s 80th Birthday
A couple weeks ago, we went over to Utah to celebrate Grandpa’s 80th birthday! It was the first time we had been to their home in over a year and it was SO nice to be back! It took the kiddos about 7.8 seconds to run downstairs and start trying on the dress ups 😂 …
1st Grade Read Alouds
Organizing our read alouds is one of my FAVORITE activities for homeschool prep! I am still in a bit of denial that it is time to start preparing for next school year – but so excited for all of these books that Sarah and I get to dive into! I know a lot of families …
{JACOB’S PICKS} Favorite 3rd Grade Books
One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is getting a front row seat to my kids learning. Teaching Jacob how to read and then seeing that love of reading just explode has been incredibly rewarding. He loves to read and I am just thrilled by it. He has moved up to a fourth grade reading …
Rett Syndrome
This has been quite a year. Last March, a week before the world shut down to COVID, was the first time we expressed concern about our sweet little girl to our pediatrician. Since then, there has been a DEPTH of emotions. We have been stretched {sometimes it felt to our breaking point}. But this week, …
“Life will challenge you. Difficulties will come. Heartbreaks will strike. So, wherever you are going, make your way to Jesus Christ first. Remember that His suffering and Resurrection make possible our victory over difficulty and death. Make your covenants with Him and keep them as you journey on.” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Easter was so …
Sarah Esther
Recently I have found myself in awe of this little girl. Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is only six years old because there are times when she just astounds me with her maturity. Ever since Sarah was born, she has had a gift for making others happy. It is just part of …
Christ is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains
I have always loved General Conference but the last year has truly been life changing. I have begun studying conference in a way like I never have before and it has been incredible. I feel like I have missed so much over the years but am so happy moving forward. Studying the words from last …
White Mountain Petroglyphs
For our March family fun we went to the White Mountain Petroglyphs! This was the perfect finish to our study of Native Americans we have been doing in history. This place is so neat – pretty accessible – and close! It was a win-win-win! We went here last summer and the circumstances were pretty different …