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Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny

Wow! This talk from Elder Dale G. Renlund, given in a session of conference that “concentrated on the concerns of latter-day Saint women”, was FULL of eternal truths. He focused his remarks around the young women theme and dived into the various doctrine within that. On a personal note, it was nice to read and …


Jacob’s 10th Birthday

DOUBLE DIGITS?!!! How?! When did this happen! Ten feels like such a big number! I truly do not know where the time has gone. But watching this boy grow continues to be one of the greatest joys of my life. Kids get so excited for their birthdays and it’s so much fun to watch and …


Chipped Teeth

Just three days after we moved to Colorado, Jacob and Sarah were playing charades. While they were playing, Sarah fell and her two front teeth chipped. It was pretty bad. It was a perfect half circle chipped off of her teeth. The timing could not have been worse. Since we had only moved three days …


Memorial Day

We had such a delightful Memorial Day. The weather was *perfect* in our book – 60s and sunny – and it was FILLED. We spent a slow morning at home and then were invited over to a friend’s home for lunch. We are so grateful to them for inviting us. It was so much fun …

Faith, Life

Music Coordinator

Last week I was sustained as the new music coordinator in our ward. I have to admit I was a little taken back (I thought they were giving a new calling to Mark!). And I hadn’t ever heard of this calling – obviously it has existed probably forever – but it was new to me! …


Sarah in the Kitchen

Sarah made a goal back in January that she wanted to learn how to cook. It has been lots of fun the last couple months spending time with Sarah in the kitchen! She is so willing to learn and has become such a big help. This girl inspires me every day and I can’t wait …