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“During this Christmas season, and throughout the year, I pray that we will remember the Generous One – our God, our Father, our beloved Shepherd and Counselor. For He is the Gift-Giver! He is the Generous One!…He endows us with gifts so sublime and precious that they exceed out ability to fully comprehend and even …


Lydia Rose

Time for a Lydia Appreciation Post! This girl. It is no secret that she is the light of our lives. I sometimes worry about writing things like that – I hope no one thinks we value one kiddo above another – but truly, we all adore Lydie and she is openly each of the kid’s …

Faith, Life

Primary Pianist

A couple weeks ago, Mark was released from his calling as a teacher in Primary for Jacob’s class and accepted the calling to be the pianist in Primary. This is a first for him and he is sad to no longer be teaching but excited for the opportunity to play the piano more.


EMU Stay

Last week, Lydia had her long awaited EMU stay (EMU stands for “Epilepsy Monitoring Unit”). I had been dreading this visit ever since I found out about it. I just felt uneasy about it. Here is how it went… ENT Before we were admitted to the hospital, Lydia had an appointment with a new doctor …