Life, Travel

Audubon Aquarium of the Americas

We woke up to hard rain, wind, and thunder!  It was crazy!  I was actually a little nervous at times with how strong it was!

Bu today was our kid day!  We had planned to go to the aquarium and zoo and have it all be about the kidlets!

Once we got downtown, which was no small feat because of the weather, we headed to the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas.  We got there shortly after it opened and so there wasn’t too many people there yet.  We started off by going to their theater and watched a short movie about predators.

Then we headed for the exhibits!  It was so much fun and the kiddos had a great time looking at everything.  Jacob was especially interested in everything.  Sarah was definitely a lot more interested in climbing on EVERYTHING.  She wanted to climb on all of the rock displays, which were definitely not meant to be climbed on!


Jacob had fun petting the sting rays and the kids were so lucky to get so much attention from all of the animals!  It seemed like everything was giving them special attention – and we weren’t complaining!

We had a great time and Benjamin even got his alligator souvenir!


Afterwards, we headed back outside to the rain to get some lunch.  We knew this was our last chance to try some Louisiana grub.  We found this hole-in-the-wall place which was actually kind of perfect.  We were all soaked!  But Mark and I got the New Orleans Platter which included: crawfish, gumbo, red beans, green tomatoes, and a biscuit.  I am so not a fish person and after seeing the crawfish in a giant bucket on our swamp tour earlier it wasn’t high up on my list of things to eat.  But I did try it and then Mark gobbled it up!  It worked out well!

Next up – ZOO!