
36th Birthday

This week I was able to celebrate my 36th birthday! As my Dad reminded me, I am now on the downside of my 30s but I am actually really okay with it. Getting older is a blessing and I am grateful for every day I get on this beautiful earth.

It’s funny how different birthdays are when you are an adult + a mom. I hit the ground running because Thursdays are Lydie’s big therapy days. So we did therapy and then I came home to Mark and the kids running up to me and saying happy birthday to Whitney Houston jamming in the background – they get me 😉

The kids and Mark were so very sweet and I had a great day. Lydie was feeling pretty sad that evening so we ended up getting dinner to-go and then Jacob, Sarah, and Ben put on a Halloween concert for me. It was the perfect ending. I couldn’t help thinking – this could be the last time they do something like this – and just feeling so grateful for this little life that I have. I am a blessed woman and am so grateful for the many people that make my life wonderful.

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